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AS OF 2040-01-20 ------------------------------------------------ fresh@19:49:14
Balances, Interest earned, Net across ledgers, Change since last refresh
      Balance   Interest   NetBal    NetDelta
bd    -680.37   -240.37    -680.37   0          UNKNOWN ACCOUNT bd
b     -52.01    -1572.01   -52.01    0          UNKNOWN ACCOUNT b
dar   52.01     1572.01    52.01     0          UNKNOWN ACCOUNT dar
or    680.37    240.37     680.37    0          UNKNOWN ACCOUNT or
dan   0         0          0         0          D
bee   0         0          0         0          B
TOT   0         0          0         0          [Totals]

Snapshot of ledger from the last time balances were computed: